Ben Bergeron (#1 CrossFit Trainer) HOW you CAN build your mind and body to take on 2024 (E233)

Podcast: The High Performance

Published Date:

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 03:00:59 GMT






Please note that the summary is generated based on the transcript and may not capture all the nuances or details discussed in the podcast episode.


Ben Bergeron is a trainer of multiple CrossFit champions and the man behind fitness app, CompTrain, as well as the author of the book, ‘Chasing Excellence’. He is one of the most successful CrossFit coaches of all time, having quit his job in finance to work with athletes.

In this episode he discusses the mindset that creates champions, how small changes can create big results, and where people often go wrong on their journey towards fitness. Ben explores how out emotional responses can trigger physiological changes in the body, and how through awareness, we can have increased agency over these reactions. He also shares the idea of our inner voice and how this can take on the role of critic or coach at different times.

Ben provides a toolset of ideas, practises and actions to move into the new year with renewed purpose.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


### Section 1: Mindset and the Voice in Your Head

- High performance is achieving your peak potential, but distractions like competition, external circumstances, and internal dialogue can hinder it.
- The internal dialogue, often a critic rather than a coach, is the biggest mental distraction.
- Awareness of this inner voice is crucial for high performance.
- Hard physical training can enhance awareness of the inner voice and improve overall performance.

### Section 2: Changing the Inner Voice and Defining Goals

- The inner voice can be changed through awareness and practice.
- Setting goals can be counterproductive as they rely on motivation and dopamine hits, leading to a lack of sustained progress.
- Instead of focusing on goals, define a process that outlines the steps needed to achieve the desired outcome.
- This process should include aspects like eating, sleeping, training, thinking, and connecting.
- The focus should be on developing character traits like discipline, commitment, humility, and fortitude.

### Section 3: The Hierarchy of Mindset

- The hierarchy of mindset includes five levels: victim, pessimist, optimist, realist, and warrior.
- The victim mindset takes no ownership and blames external factors for their situation.
- The pessimist mindset complains and sees challenges as insurmountable.
- The optimist mindset believes the future will be better than the past but may not be the top performer in all domains.
- The realist mindset understands that there's good and bad in life and focuses on responding to circumstances rather than reacting to them.
- The warrior mindset seeks challenges and strives for continuous improvement.

### Section 4: Responding to Life's Circumstances

- The ability to respond to life's circumstances is crucial for high performance.
- Victims react to circumstances, while realists respond with control and agency.
- True warriors actively seek challenges to grow and improve.
- Developing a warrior mindset involves embracing challenges, seeking discomfort, and pushing boundaries.

### Section 5: Building a Strong Foundation for Change

- Lasting change requires a belief in personal control and agency.
- Focusing on changing external circumstances is ineffective.
- The focus should be on developing inner strength, character, and resilience.
- Building a strong foundation of character traits like discipline, commitment, and fortitude is essential for sustainable change.

### Section 6: Practical Steps for Developing a Warrior Mindset

- Embrace challenges and seek discomfort.
- Step outside your comfort zone and try new things.
- Push your limits and boundaries.
- Develop a growth mindset and embrace failure as an opportunity for learning.
- Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
- Practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate self-awareness and inner peace.

### Section 7: Conclusion

- High performance is achievable through a combination of physical training, mental fortitude, and a warrior mindset.
- By developing a strong foundation of character and embracing challenges, individuals can overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and live a fulfilling life.

# Podcast Episode Summary:

## Key Points:

- Ben Bergeron, a renowned CrossFit coach and fitness expert, emphasizes the significance of mindset in achieving success and personal growth.

- Small, consistent changes can accumulate into substantial results, rather than relying solely on drastic transformations.

- Our emotional responses often trigger physiological changes in the body, and awareness of this connection empowers us to manage these reactions effectively.

- The inner voice can manifest as either a critic or a coach, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

- Ben provides practical tools, ideas, and actionable steps to help individuals navigate the new year with renewed purpose and direction.

## Episode Highlights:

- **The Power of Mindset:** Ben highlights the importance of cultivating a mindset that embraces challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth, rather than viewing them as obstacles.

- **Small Changes, Big Results:** He emphasizes the value of making small, incremental changes over time, rather than attempting drastic transformations that are often unsustainable.

- **Emotional Responses and Physiology:** Ben explains how our emotional responses can trigger physiological changes in the body, such as increased heart rate, shallow breathing, and muscle tension. By becoming aware of this connection, we can learn to manage these reactions and prevent them from negatively impacting our well-being.

- **The Inner Voice:** Ben introduces the concept of the inner voice, which can take on the role of either a critic or a coach. The critic tends to be negative and judgmental, while the coach is supportive and encouraging. Recognizing and nurturing the coach within can help us overcome self-doubt and self-criticism.

- **Tools for Success:** Ben offers a range of practical tools and actionable steps to help individuals move forward with renewed purpose and direction, including setting clear goals, practicing self-awareness, and developing a growth mindset.

## Overall Message:

Ben Bergeron's podcast episode provides a thought-provoking exploration of the mindset and habits that contribute to personal success and fulfillment. He challenges listeners to embrace challenges, make small but consistent changes, and cultivate a positive inner voice. By adopting these principles, individuals can navigate the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

##Summary of the Podcast Episode: Chasing Excellence: Mindset and Agency##

**Guest:** Ben Bergeron, trainer of multiple CrossFit champions and author of the book, ‘Chasing Excellence’.


* **Mindset and Agency:**
* Mindset is the key to creating champions.
* Small changes in mindset can lead to big results.
* People often go wrong on their journey towards fitness because they focus on external factors rather than taking ownership of their health and well-being.
* **Emotional Responses and Physiological Changes:**
* Our emotional responses can trigger physiological changes in the body.
* Awareness of these emotional responses can give us increased agency over our reactions.
* We have the power to change our lives by changing our responses to life's challenges.
* **Inner Voice and Self-Talk:**
* Our inner voice can take on the role of either a critic or a coach.
* The critic is always negative and judgmental, while the coach is supportive and encouraging.
* We can learn to recognize and control our inner voice to create a more positive and productive mindset.
* **Tools and Strategies for a Renewed Year:**
* Surround yourself with like-minded people who support your goals.
* Start small and gradually increase your activity level.
* Focus on progress, not perfection.
* Be kind to yourself and celebrate your successes.
* **Transitional Period:**
* Ben Bergeron recently retired as a coach from CrossFit Games and has created an app, CompTrain, to help people achieve their fitness goals.
* He is passionate about helping people of all levels improve their health and well-being.
* **Key Takeaways:**
* We have more agency over our lives than we realize.
* We can change our mindset to change our results.
* We can learn to control our inner voice and create a more positive and productive mindset.
* Small changes in mindset and habits can lead to big results.

**Unleashing the Champion Mindset: A Journey Towards Excellence with Ben Bergeron**

In this captivating podcast episode, Ben Bergeron, a renowned CrossFit coach and author, delves into the intricacies of the champion mindset, emphasizing the significance of small changes in achieving remarkable results. Bergeron, who has guided numerous CrossFit athletes to victory, shares valuable insights into the emotional responses that trigger physiological changes in the body and how awareness can empower individuals to exert greater control over these reactions.

Bergeron introduces the concept of the inner voice, which can adopt the role of either a critic or a coach, influencing an individual's thoughts and actions. He provides a comprehensive toolkit of ideas, practices, and actionable steps to help listeners embark on the new year with renewed purpose and determination.

The discussion centers around five distinct mindsets: the victim, the pessimist, the optimist, the realist, and the warrior. Bergeron emphasizes the importance of transitioning from an optimistic mindset, where individuals believe that things will eventually improve, to a realistic mindset, where they acknowledge the challenges and take proactive steps to overcome them.

Bergeron stresses the significance of setting realistic goals and focusing on consistent progress rather than seeking immediate perfection. He encourages listeners to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and development. By cultivating a warrior mindset, individuals can develop resilience, perseverance, and the ability to thrive under pressure.

The podcast delves into the concept of emotional intelligence, highlighting its role in managing stress, building relationships, and making informed decisions. Bergeron emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own emotions and the emotions of others, as well as the ability to regulate and express emotions in a healthy manner.

Bergeron concludes the podcast by emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in the pursuit of excellence. He encourages listeners to take time to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and actions, and to make adjustments as needed to align with their goals and values.

Overall, this podcast episode offers a wealth of insights and practical strategies for cultivating a champion mindset, fostering emotional intelligence, and achieving personal and professional success. Bergeron's expertise and passion for helping individuals reach their full potential shine through, making this conversation an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to embark on a journey of excellence.

Raw Transcript with Timestamps
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