Hannah Schmitz, Ana Groom and Rosanne Elvin: Strategy, aerodynamics, terrain and life at the Team

Podcast: Talking Bull

Published Date:

Tue, 20 Jun 2023 15:00:02 +0000






Hannah Schmitz, Ana Groom, Rosanne Elvin

Please note that the summary is generated based on the transcript and may not capture all the nuances or details discussed in the podcast episode.


Nicola Hume speaks to three women from very different parts of the Team on The Official Oracle Red Bull Racing Podcast, brought to you by HP Poly – delivering exclusive unrivalled access to the Team.

To coincide with International Women in Engineering Day On this month's episode, we speak to Principal Strategy Engineer, Hannah Schmitz, Aerodynamics Engineer, Ana Groom and Simulator Terrain Modeller, Rosanne Elvin. They share what each of their roles entail and how they first managed to get a job on the Team.

Also, they each bring an item to enter in our 'Oracle Red Bull Racing in 100 Objects' hall of fame, they answer a stack of your fan questions, plus we have a little game at the end to put them through their paces.



* Nicola Hulme welcomes listeners to the Talking Bull podcast, sponsored by HP Poly.
* The episode focuses on highlighting the contributions of exceptional women at Oracle Red Bull Racing.

**Guest Introductions**

* Hannah Schmitz, Principal Strategy Engineer
* Anna Groom, Aerodynamics Engineer
* Roseanne Elvin, Simulated Terrain Modeler

**Hannah Schmitz**

* Schmitz has been with Red Bull for 14 years, starting in vehicle dynamics before moving to strategy.
* She enjoys the problem-solving aspect of strategy and the ability to connect with various aspects of the team.
* Schmitz maintains composure during races by focusing on the task at hand and relying on preparation.
* When trackside, she works in the operations room to provide information to the strategist on the pit wall.
* Schmitz emphasizes the importance of adaptability and communication in race strategy.

**Anna Groom**

* Groom has been with Red Bull for four years, joining straight out of university.
* She initially worked in aerospace before transitioning to motorsport due to its faster pace.
* Groom currently works in the development team for aerodynamics and supports the aero performance group during races.
* She explains the process of designing and testing floor upgrades in the wind tunnel.
* Groom highlights the challenges of working within budget constraints and the importance of planning.

**Roseanne Elvin**

* Elvin has been with Red Bull for over seven years, initially working on the F1 simulator's visual representation.
* She transitioned to Red Bull Advanced Technologies two years ago and now works as a simulation terrain modeler.
* Elvin explains the process of creating realistic virtual representations of race tracks, especially new ones like Las Vegas.
* She emphasizes the importance of using accurate data and collaborating with other departments.

**Collaboration and Women in Motorsport**

* The guests discuss the importance of collaboration among different departments within the team.
* They also acknowledge the growing presence of women in motorsport and express their support for inspiring young girls.

**100 Objects Game**

* The guests reveal the items they brought to represent their time at Red Bull:
* Roseanne Elvin: Her laptop, symbolizing her work in simulation and data analysis.
* Anna Groom: A model car from the wind tunnel, representing her contributions to aerodynamic development.
* Hannah Schmitz: A race strategy notebook, highlighting her role in planning and executing race strategies.

**Navigating Formula One as a Woman: Perspectives and Experiences from Red Bull Racing Team Members**

**Personal Artifacts and Their Significance:**

Each team member presents a personal item that holds special significance to them in their Formula One journey. Hannah Schmitz brings her laptop, emphasizing its importance in her work as a strategy engineer, as it contains crucial data and insights that help her make strategic decisions during races. Anna Allet showcases a wind tunnel barge board model, highlighting the intricate design and meticulous development process that goes into optimizing aerodynamic performance. Rosanne Di Bartolo shares a pair of headphones, symbolizing her aspiration to be involved in race operations and her excitement about contributing to the team's success.

**Navigating a Male-Dominated Industry:**

The conversation then delves into the challenges and opportunities of being a woman in Formula One, a traditionally male-dominated sport. The panelists share their experiences and perspectives on how they have overcome obstacles and biases to succeed in their respective roles. They emphasize the importance of self-confidence, perseverance, and mentorship in navigating the industry.

**Advice for Aspiring Women in STEM Fields:**

The panelists offer valuable advice to young women and girls interested in pursuing careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, including Formula One. They encourage them to follow their passions, trust in their abilities, and not be discouraged by societal expectations or stereotypes. They also highlight the importance of seeking out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and support.

**Strategic Decisions and Race Operations:**

The discussion shifts to the intricacies of strategic decision-making during races. Hannah Schmitz, as the team's strategist, provides insights into the complex process of analyzing data, predicting race scenarios, and communicating with the drivers and pit wall to optimize performance. She emphasizes the importance of collaboration and effective communication in making timely and informed decisions.

**Handling Multiple Responsibilities:**

Hannah Schmitz also addresses the challenge of managing multiple responsibilities during a race, including communicating with various team members, monitoring race conditions, and making strategic calls. She explains the importance of prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, and maintaining clear communication channels to ensure smooth operations.

**Equal Opportunities in Formula One:**

The panelists discuss the ongoing efforts to promote equal opportunities and diversity in Formula One. They acknowledge the progress that has been made but emphasize the need for continued initiatives to encourage more women and underrepresented groups to join the sport. They express hope that their experiences and successes can inspire young people to pursue careers in Formula One, regardless of gender or background.

**The HP Poly Challenge:**

The episode concludes with a fun challenge sponsored by HP Poly, a partner of the Talking Bull podcast. The panelists are tasked with identifying four voices from a montage of audio clips featuring prominent Red Bull Racing personnel. They successfully guess the voices of Max Verstappen, Hannah Schmitz herself, Pierre Wache, and David Coulthard, demonstrating their familiarity with the team and its members.

Overall, this episode of the Talking Bull podcast offers a unique and insightful perspective on the experiences and perspectives of women working in Formula One. The panelists' candid discussions about their challenges, successes, and aspirations provide valuable insights into the changing landscape of the sport and the ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.

Raw Transcript with Timestamps
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