Drawing On Adrian Newey's Experience

Podcast: Talking Bull

Published Date:

Fri, 06 Aug 2021 15:31:11 +0000






Adrian Newey, Max Verstappen, Sergio Perez

Please note that the summary is generated based on the transcript and may not capture all the nuances or details discussed in the podcast episode.


On this episode of Talking Bull we sit down with F1 maestro Adrian Newey to talk title charges, 2022 regs and his unwavering passion for engineering and design. Plus Max and Checo answer your questions as we sign off for the summer break.


In this episode of Talking Bull, Steve Nash engages in a captivating conversation with Adrian Newey, the legendary Formula One designer, to gain insights into Red Bull's resurgence as a championship contender. Newey shares his thoughts on the team's performance, the challenges of the new regulations, and the unique qualities of driver Max Verstappen.

**Adrian Newey's Interview:**

1. **Reflection on Red Bull's Performance:**

- Newey acknowledges the recent setbacks in Austria, but emphasizes the team's resilience and determination to stay competitive.
- He highlights the significance of maintaining focus and pushing forward despite the challenges.

2. **Experience in Previous Title Contests:**

- Newey draws upon his experiences in previous championship battles to emphasize the importance of stability and resilience within the team.
- He believes that these qualities have helped Red Bull navigate the ups and downs of the season.

3. **Assessing the 2021 Car:**

- Newey explains the strategic decisions made during the off-season, including token allocation and aerodynamic optimizations.
- He credits the team's strong start to the season to these calculated improvements.

4. **Working with Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez:**

- Newey acknowledges the significant influence of drivers in providing feedback and shaping car development.
- He praises Max Verstappen's ability to communicate his needs and Sergio Perez's fresh perspective as a newcomer to the team.

5. **Balancing Current Development with Future Regulations:**

- Newey discusses the challenges of juggling the 2021 car's development with the upcoming major regulation changes in 2022.
- He emphasizes the need to strike a delicate balance between the two.

6. **Embracing New Technologies and Design Tools:**

- Newey reflects on his transition from traditional drawing boards to CAD systems and his openness to adapting to new technologies.
- He explains the advantages of digital tools in facilitating design and communication.

7. **Inspiration and Passion for Design:**

- Newey attributes his passion for design to his father's influence and his early experiences with scale models and karting.
- He emphasizes the importance of practice and dedication in honing one's design skills.

8. **Encouraging Young Talent at Red Bull:**

- Newey expresses his enthusiasm for nurturing young talent within the Red Bull team.
- He believes in providing opportunities for individuals to learn and grow, mirroring his own early experiences in the sport.

9. **Collaboration with Aston Martin on the Valkyrie:**

- Newey shares his excitement about working on the Valkyrie project, a road car that allowed him to explore his passion for automotive design beyond Formula One.
- He highlights the cultural differences between racing teams and manufacturers in terms of risk-taking and timelines.

10. **Honda's Impact on Red Bull's Performance:**

- Newey credits Honda's renewed commitment and energy as a significant factor in Red Bull's resurgence.
- He emphasizes the importance of having a partner that shares the team's passion and dedication to performance.

11. **Handling Scrutiny and Allegations from Competitors:**

- Newey acknowledges the scrutiny and allegations that arise when a team is performing well.
- He views these as a form of compliment and a testament to the team's innovative approach.

12. **Max Verstappen's Qualities as a Driver:**

- Newey praises Max Verstappen's steely grit, exceptional driving ability, and ability to adapt to different car characteristics.
- He also highlights Verstappen's maturity and resilience in overcoming adversity.

13. **Summer Break Plans:**

- Newey intends to spend the summer break with his family, taking some time to unwind and recharge before the second half of the season.

## Personal Insights

When asked about their favorite road cars, Verstappen expresses his admiration for the Honda NSX, while Perez remains undecided as he continues to explore different options. Both drivers emphasize the importance of tire management, with Perez attributing his success to his frugal approach.

## Racing Experiences

Perez recalls the Baku race as the most exciting in his career, highlighting the intense pressure of having Lewis Hamilton behind him throughout the race. Verstappen echoes this sentiment, describing Baku as a particularly challenging and exhausting race.

## Future Plans

Regarding their plans after their Formula One careers, both drivers remain open-minded. Verstappen admits that his plans change frequently, while Perez has a variety of ideas but prefers to keep them flexible.

## Team Dynamics

Verstappen praises Perez as a teammate, describing him as a fast driver with a relaxed and friendly demeanor. Perez reciprocates the compliment, acknowledging Verstappen's exceptional speed and talent on the track.

## Inspirations and Motivations

When asked about their inspirations, Verstappen cites his children as his biggest motivators, while Perez draws inspiration from his family and friends in Guadalajara. Both drivers emphasize the importance of winning as their primary motivation in racing.

## Conclusion

The episode concludes with a message of gratitude to the Red Bull Racing team, recognizing their collective efforts and the positive atmosphere within the team. The hosts bid farewell to the drivers, wishing them a brilliant summer break before the resumption of the Formula One season in Belgium.

Raw Transcript with Timestamps
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