Fireside Chat w/ Akshay Gupta

Podcast: F1 Fanfiction

Published Date:

Wed, 10 Aug 2022 04:30:00 +0000






Please note that the summary is generated based on the transcript and may not capture all the nuances or details discussed in the podcast episode.


Akshay Gupta is a racing car driver turned entrepreneur. Akshay has spent his early years trying to become a racing driver and participating in several different racing formats. He became an entrepreneur to support his racing career and soon discovered his love for entrepreneurship. He has founded Quixote now renamed as Scouto (acquired by Spinny).

This is a very different episode where we talk about various topics ranging from Akshay’s early racing career, his experience with starting a business and his struggle with a physical condition. Stick around as we also gloss over our journey behind starting F1 Fanfiction Podcast.

This was a unique experience where Akshay truly took up the mantel of the 3rd host and made the conversation so much more interesting than what we planned for.

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Follow Akshay Gupta on his Socials:

Website: Akshay Gupta

Twitter: @akshay_racing 

Instagram: @akshaymotorsport 

Join F1 Fanfiction at our Socials:

Instagram: @f1fanfiction

Tiktok: @f1fanfiction

Twitter: @f1fanfiction


Intro: Howling (Sting) - Gunnar Olsen

Outro: Your Intro by Audionautix


**Transcript Summary**

* **Akshay Gupta's Background:**
* Began with a passion for cars and participated in various racing formats.
* Became an entrepreneur to support his racing career and discovered his love for entrepreneurship.
* Founded Quixote, now renamed Scouto (acquired by Spinny).

* **Fireside Chat Discussion:**
* Akshay's early racing career and experiences with starting a business.
* His struggle with a physical condition.
* The journey behind starting the F1 Fan Fiction Podcast.

* **Road Safety and Autonomous Vehicles:**
* Akshay's perspective on road safety and the role of technology.
* The potential impact of autonomous vehicles on road safety and the future of motorsport.
* The transition from Western to Indian markets in terms of autonomous vehicle adoption.

* **Safety in Formula One:**
* Akshay's thoughts on the safety of street circuits and the use of concrete barriers.
* The trade-offs between risk and reward in circuit design.
* His favorite Formula One race.

* **Self-Introspection and Learning:**
* The importance of self-introspection and learning from mistakes in racing and life.
* The accelerated learning experience provided by sports compared to other areas of life.
* The value of introspection in entrepreneurship and other fields.

* **Advice for Aspiring Racing Drivers:**
* The importance of being willing to look foolish in the beginning in order to learn and grow.
* The dual role of being a driver and a salesperson in racing.
* Advice for aspiring racing drivers on getting sponsorships and dealing with rejection. ## F1 Fanfiction Podcast

### Episode Summary:

The exceptional podcast episode features a unique and engaging conversation with Akshay Gupta, a former racing car driver turned entrepreneur. Akshay narrates his journey from aspiring to become a racing driver to discovering his passion for entrepreneurship. He highlights the significance of persistence, networking, and adaptability in achieving success. The podcast also delves into Akshay's personal experiences, including his physical challenges and mental struggles, offering valuable insights on resilience and overcoming adversity. Additionally, the episode explores the genesis of the F1 Fanfiction Podcast and the hosts' motivations behind starting it.

### Key Points:

* **Embrace Persistence and Networking:** Akshay emphasizes the importance of perseverance and networking in achieving goals. He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to approach numerous potential sponsors and investors, as it only takes one to materialize. He stresses the need to continuously pitch and improve presentations to increase the chances of success.

* **Focus on Fundamentals:** Akshay highlights the significance of mastering the fundamentals in any field. He shares his experience as a race engineer and driver, emphasizing the importance of understanding the technical aspects of racing. He believes that a solid foundation enables faster progress and better decision-making.

* **Embrace Learning and Adaptability:** Akshay stresses the importance of continuous learning and adaptability. He discusses his exploration of various topics to enhance his conversational skills and broaden his perspective. He encourages listeners to venture outside their comfort zones to gain new knowledge and experiences.

* **Pivot with Purpose:** Akshay shares his unique perspective on pivoting careers. He explains that his primary motivation was always to get back into a race car, and his entrepreneurial ventures were a means to achieve that goal. He emphasizes the importance of having a strong driving factor and the willingness to restructure oneself to adapt to new challenges.

* **Mental Resilience in Adversity:** Akshay opens up about his physical challenges, including being born with club feet. He shares his positive outlook on life, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. He encourages listeners to respond rather than react to adversities and to focus on finding solutions.

* **The Influence of Upbringing:** Akshay compares the upbringing of Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton, highlighting the impact of their respective backgrounds on their personalities and approaches to racing. He believes that love and support play a crucial role in shaping individuals' motivations and behaviors.

* **The Future of Formula 1:** Akshay expresses his optimism about the future of Formula 1. He believes that the sport is taking steps to improve regulations and address issues that arose during the controversial 2021 season. He acknowledges the need to strike a balance between entertainment and the integrity of the sport.

### Memorable Quotes:

* "You only need one sponsor. You don't need like a hundred."

* "The more you build your network that way, the more chances come your way."

* "Just go out there and keep doing yeah I mean law of large numbers is at some point gonna come and fall in your lap."

* "Fundamentals, primarily the understanding of physics."

* "I could picture the car in my head moving around and doing certain things and then coming back and giving the feedback to the engineer saying that this but this is not what I want."

* "Business allows you to have like a lot more exposure in that respect and that's when I realized that that's something that I should do."

* "I think it's a good thing that you're kind of since you are on that topic of you know, learning things and you know, learning various different things, I guess the theme as far as I see it, the theme of your career as such in general is like pivot tearing in general in the sense that you have pivoted your career multiple times from a racing driver to like trying to get into this engineering becoming an entrepreneur and I think definitely at least from my perspective it is one of the hardest things to do like once you are like so ingrained into what you're doing getting out of that mindset and then relearning because anytime you're going into a new field, you are basically going to be starting as a beginner and as you mentioned, right? Like you look as a fool as when you're a beginner, like, and that's, that's just the truth."

* "I actually started building a business because I reached a point where I could not race anymore."

* "I've fallen in love with business as much as I've fallen in love with racing cars."

* "The goal and the impact can have on the world, not just people around it and creation of the game."

* "Business is like a disguise to entrepreneurship is like a disguise for inner restructuring."

* "If your driving factor is strong enough you will find a way."

* "I think if you want something badly you will find a way to do it eventually."

* "As for hacks to be able to pivot, the driving factor is probably towards doing it more and more."

* "The map is not the territory."

* "I just take it as a challenge so that I can do more."

* "I can't pinpoint to what led me to think in this particular way or I can't pinpoint to, I can just tell you that I'm bit this way."

* "Respond never react."

* "Chimp management. You have to manage your inner chimp."

* "I think love is a better driving factor than anything else in life."

* "Ego is not that good a driving factor, because it'll make you do things that you should not or would not have done otherwise."

* "I think good things are coming out of it in general."

* "I like to plug this book every time because a few minutes back you were mentioning like Maxwell left to start thinking of what's next right this is book by a Pixar's co-founder at Catanual Creativity Inc. and like the way he starts this book is like I question every single time like what's next and that sort of kept him going."

* "No Angel. Bernie Eccleston's Life Story."

### Overall Message:

The podcast episode offers a compelling narrative of Akshay Gupta's journey, highlighting the importance of perseverance, networking, and adaptability in achieving success. It emphasizes the value of embracing challenges and learning from adversity, as well as the significance of having a strong driving factor and the willingness to pivot when necessary. The episode also explores the influence of upbringing and the role of love and support in shaping individuals' motivations and behaviors. Ultimately, the podcast leaves listeners with a sense of inspiration and empowerment, encouraging them to pursue their passions and overcome obstacles with resilience and determination. ## F1 Fanfiction Podcast Episode 26 Transcript Summary
**Guest:** Akshay Gupta, Racing Car Driver and Entrepreneur

**Key Topics Discussed:**

* Akshay Gupta's journey from racing car driver to entrepreneur
* The challenges and rewards of starting a business
* Akshay's experience with a physical condition
* The history and evolution of Formula One
* The different roles and responsibilities within a Formula One team
* The importance of teamwork and communication in Formula One
* The challenges and opportunities facing Formula One in the future

**Detailed Summary:**

Akshay Gupta, a former racing car driver turned entrepreneur, shared his experiences and insights on the podcast. He discussed his early years as a racing driver, competing in various formats, and his decision to become an entrepreneur to support his racing career. Akshay emphasized his love for entrepreneurship and his passion for building businesses.

The podcast delved into the challenges and rewards of starting a business. Akshay highlighted the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and the ability to learn from mistakes. He also shared his experiences with a physical condition that affected his racing career and how he overcame it with determination and resilience.

The discussion shifted to the history and evolution of Formula One, with Akshay providing insights into the sport's origins and its transformation over the years. He explained the different roles and responsibilities within a Formula One team, emphasizing the significance of teamwork and communication in achieving success.

Akshay also touched upon the challenges and opportunities facing Formula One in the future. He discussed the impact of technology, the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, and the need for sustainability in the sport. He expressed optimism about the future of Formula One, highlighting its ability to adapt and evolve with the changing times.

Overall, the podcast provided a comprehensive and engaging conversation about Akshay Gupta's journey, the world of entrepreneurship, and the past, present, and future of Formula One. Akshay's insights and experiences offered a unique perspective on the sport and the business world, making it an informative and enjoyable listen for fans of Formula One and entrepreneurship alike.

Raw Transcript with Timestamps
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